What Gets Me Through The Day
A normal day for me sees me getting out of bed at about 5.30am having about 15 mins 'me' time before the troops hit the floor running.
Who are the troops? I hear you all say!
Usually the first to awaken is the puppy ! My puppy is called Raene (pronounced 'rain') he is the first to get breakfast in the morning. Raene is a Border Collie.
Next comes the girls. I have 3 children, all girls aged 9, 6 and 3. They cartainly keep me on my toes and compeltely exhausted !!
And finally, but not on all mornings, is my finace and his dog Lightning 9also a Border Collie)!! LOL! We are getting married in May and until then we are keeping our 2 separate homes but he stays a few nights each week.
It is the love I have for my family that usually gets me through the day. My fiance and my girls are my world. Together we laugh, cry, play and sometimes fight. But by the end of the day when it is bed time we always have a cuddle and say goodnight.
The Passion That We Share
Most families have that one special activity that they share and is the one special thing which sets them apart from other families. For our family it is music!! Our family shares the love of music.
My music education started when I was about 6 when I began to learn the piano. My mother grew up having a musician for a father but was never given the opportunity to learn to play herself. She swore that she would give me that opportunity, and I am so very grateful that she did.
As I grew up I began to love music more and more. In primary school I also began learning the recorder as many other students at school do. But this wasn't a chore for me, I LOVED it!! I think my teacher wished she had never started recorder with the class as I devoured the music quicker than a block of chocolate!! LOL! She had to find me more and more music to play and each time she would give me a piece of music I would practice and practice and come back wanting more.
When I moved into high school I was lucky enough to attend a high school which had a fantastic music department and I continued learning the piano but also started playing the Flute and the Alto Saxophone. I was in as many school bands and choirs as I could be, and I LOVED it!
Teaching music gave me some pocket money as I moved through university getting my degree in teaching. I taught some fantastic students and even did a bit of music therapy with children with Autism.
Once I became a teacher I was able to use my skills in music to help run various school band programs. When I moved to my current school I was lucky enough to be faced with a school band which had been running for a few years andhad a brilliant if very quirky Band Master. The Band Master also played the Flute and Tenor Saxophone and played these instruments in a Rock Band. I was invited along a few times to play with this band as part of a Brass Section which was quite awesome !
Through this band I met the man who is the love of my life. At the time I met him I had no idea that in 2012 I would be engaged to him and very impatiently waiting for May 2013 to come along to get married to him!!
We share this passion and it is one of the things which hold us together so tightly ! We also share this passion with our children. The two eldest unfortunately don't play an instrument but the 9 yr-old has been learning Drums since she was 3, she loves it !! She is now playing in the school band. Our 6 Year Old decided that she wanted to play Bass Guitar like Dad and our 3 Year Old has not yet started but has visions of herself playing Guitar and she loves singing!!
It is amazing having such a fantastic passion in life that we as a family can share.
To me music is amazing! It can take you anywhere you will let it!! For me it is an escape, a release from all the stress of life :)
L :)
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